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You are a great mom, and I'm proud to call you a friend and celebrate Jackson's green belt!

Gina swisher

You are an amazing Mom! I love this...


I love this! You're a great mom and yes, he is a brave boy.

Stacey A.

Those pictures are spectacular! Way to go Jackson, and you too! Ali!


Love you both!


YAY Jackson!! You did it!!
and Yay to mom for finding a way to calm the nerves! :D
This is why moms have to think out of the box.

Cynthia B.

YAY! WTG, Jackson!
My daughter went through this with TKD for several years, getting her junior black belt a few years ago. The sparring can be tough, especially for mama! But no doubt you're an awesome mom and will power through - I LOVE your idea for his bracelet!

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