On Sunday I was suppose to run 8-miles in preparation for a half-marathon I am running on November 1. I told myself I had to get through this run before I could officially register for the half-marathon. I'm new to running, especially running long distances. I didn't want to jump the gun and spend the $75 before I felt comfortable running those kind of distances. I felt like if I could power through 8 miles, I could finish the 13.1 miles for a half-marathon.
I had been looking forward to the 8 miles all week. Until Sunday got here. I was slightly (okay maybe a lot) hungover after a night with bad influences ;) and I just wasn’t feeling it. I finally, at 4:30 p.m. after lots of hydrating, made myself go. Mike was out hunting so the boys rode their bikes with me and played at the park while I ran around the track.
The first three/four miles where rough. Really rough. I started getting really bad cramps in my lower abdomen about half a mile into the run and they were ruthless. I couldn’t even look at anyone on the track because I was in pain and couldn’t smile. On top of that I just in general felt like crap. I kept telling myself to quit. To just walk over to the park and get the boys and go home.
I couldn’t do it though. I couldn’t because being the quote junkie that I am, this quote kept popping in my brain. It’s one of my recent favorites.
While I’m not technically training to be any kind of athletic professional, I like the thought of calling myself a champion.
I am a champion for my body and making it healthy.
I am a champion for my mental state and living a positive life.
I am a champion for whatever it is that sets my soul on fire.
Most of all I am a champion for my boys and I’m not about to show them that if something gets a little hard or even painful that you just take the easy way out and quit.
I completed the 8-miles. Drew and Jackson rode ahead the last mile and were waiting for me on the front porch with a big glass of ice water and they cheered for me when I got home. I felt like a champion in that moment.
Way to go Allison!
Posted by: Stacey | 10/14/2015 at 10:45 AM